Sunday Schedule
Children's Sunday School - 9:30 AM
Adult Bible Study - 9:45 AM
Worship - 11:00 AM
What can I expect when I visit?
We understand that finding the right church home is not always an easy decision. There are so many factors involved and there is no such thing as a "one-size-fits-all" church. In order to help answer some of the questions you might have about our weekly worship gatherings, we've answered some common questions below:
1. How do people dress for worship at First Baptist Castle Rock?
The typical style of dress for the members of First Baptist is casual. The pastor typically wears a dress shirt and tie on and sometimes he will wear a suit. However, we leave it up to each person to decide what they feel is most appropriate for worship.
2. What kind of music is played during the service?
The style of music is probably best defined as blended, in that we do a mix of traditional hymns, choruses, and some modern songs. However, more than anything, the songs we sing are Gospel-centric, meaning that we want to teach and celebrate the Gospel of Jesus Christ in what we sing.
3. What is the pastor's preaching style?
On most Sunday mornings, the pastor preaches expository sermons. This means that he will usually focus on one passage and examine what the inspired text teaches. The applications are drawn directly from the passage. Additionally, the pastor will usually work through a book or a section of the Bible for each sermon series. Occasionally, he will preach on a particular theme, but this is rare.
4. What Bible translation does the pastor use?
Our pastor is fond of saying that his favorite Bible translations is, "the one that someone can come to know Jesus in." His point is that the best Bible translation is the one that you will use and learn from. He preaches using the English Standard Version, but typically utilizes eight to ten translations when preparing a sermon.
5. Are there activities for my children?
We have a nursery for the babies, children's Sunday school classes for children pre-school to sixth grade, and a youth Bible study class for seventh through twelfth grade. During the worship service, the children will worship alongside the rest of the congregation. This stems from our belief that we should be a multi-generational church. Before the sermon, the pastor does a children's sermon where the children are encouraged to come forward while the pastor has a special message for them.
6. How long is the worship service?
Our worship services usual go about an hour and fifteen minutes.